Friday, November 20, 2020

Teddy Bear Helpers

Jeremy: Come on, Pooh. We're going on an expedition... to an half an acre wood.

November 14 was National American Teddy Bear Day and you can't get much more American than Winnie-the-Pooh.... Oh.

Well, anyway...
We celebrated with teddy bears getting involved in all sorts of things throughout the day from helping with washing dishes and food preparation to book editing and movie watching.

Pooh Bear went with Jeremy to do some birding that morning while Baby Bear helped me make breakfast burritos and Mommy Bear helped Jr. take care of Jet. Awww.
After breakfast, the bears helped us clean the living room and various other tasks.
Jr. Jr. even made a teddy bear out of blocks to help with different tasks.
Baby Bear helped when Lucky and I needed to have a little heart to heart.
It wasn't all about work, though. The teddy bears also helped us play.

After Jeremy got back, he and Pooh Bear had an online meeting so the kids and teddy bears and I went for a drive. We played the game that Jr. Jr. and I played after General Conference last month and the kids took turns deciding which direction we would go until Jeremy told us he was done with his meeting.
After we got back we got to watch a movie (the kids earned it with how hard they and the teddy bears worked) and I finally made the pizza I didn't get to a couple days before.

Recently for a Family Home Evening lesson, Jr. talked to us about showing kindness and doing service.
He made punch cards for each of us. Good deeds are rewarded with a punched hole. When the whole card is filled up, we can take it to Jr. who will make us a treat of our choice. Since November 14 was also the anniversary of the hole puncher, we took the opportunity to punch a lot of holes in those punch cards. The kids were very helpful that day (and Mom and Dad... and several teddy bears).

How's that for celebrating?

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