Friday, November 14, 2014

Planning Ahead

Sometimes it is very helpful to plan ahead for those celebrations that you might not make a big deal of.  When Jr. heard that National American Teddy Bear Day was coming up on November 14, he suggested that for dinner we have pasta and gummi bears (they're like teddy bears, right?).  So guess what.  We got some gummi bears earlier this week for tonight's dinner.  Simple celebrating we were prepared for.  It's a good thing we were prepared otherwise we might not have celebrated at all. 
Lucky came down with something and was throwing up in the middle of the night and this morning.  Poor baby.  Thankfully, the throwing up and loss of appetite only lasted so long.  By the afternoon, he was somewhat more chipper and wanted to eat more and could actually keep it down.  He got some well needed sleep and was happy to snack on crackers while the rest of us ate dinner, including gummi bears for the three oldest kids.  I was even able to get some pictures for this blog.

I'm so grateful that it looks like whatever Lucky is going through is not long lasting.  I'm also grateful that Jr. looked ahead and figured out a way we could celebrate National American Teddy Bear Day.


  1. I love those kids, what hams! I am glad Lucky is feeling better.

    1. I spoke too soon. He spent last night throwing up again but with not nearly the frequency as before. It'll pass, though. I can tell it's nothing too serious. He's still more chipper than that first night. Thank goodness.
