Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Halloween 2020

I knew Halloween was going to be on a Saturday this year. We had made the decision not to go trick-or-treating. The elementary schoolers weren't going to have a parade for the public this year. I really didn't want to put the effort into putting together costumes with all the many things going on. I told the kids this year to recycle old costumes or figure something out themselves. When I was a kid, we had a box of dress up clothes to use for Halloween costumes and such. We would often wear something that an older sibling wore previously. We have a box of dress up clothes now. We made some suggestions and this is how they turned out:
Nichole- Knitting Lady

Jet- Lion

While they were trying out costumes, Lucky put the green toxic waste fabric on the ground around Jet and Jr. Jr. exclaimed, "Jet fits in the barrel of toxic waste." 

The kids wore their costumes to school on Friday. Lucky came home with a spider. Jr. Jr. came home with candy corn which helped to celebrate National Candy Corn Day on October 30.
Saturday Jeremy decorated the car as a squid and joined several other vehicles in a parade through the neighborhood. Kids stood out on their driveways or sidewalks and the last vehicle had a bag of candy for each child. Boom. No trick-or-treating necessary. Kids dressed up, got candy. There you go.

When Jeremy got home, he dismantled the squid and added to the decorations the neighbors had already put out.

"Dr. McCoy" was also our contribution. Jeremy hung up a skeleton and put peanut butter and seeds on it for the birds. It didn't work with most of the birds, but the jays had no problem stealing peanuts out of its mouth.
After Halloween was over, Jeremy put "Dr. McCoy" in the backyard where the smaller birds continued to be intimidated by it and the jays still enjoyed those peanuts.

My daughter is awesome. (She wrote that last sentence when I wasn't looking and I'm going to leave it here because it's true.)

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