Wednesday, November 18, 2020

When Things Don't Go As Planned

November 10 was National Vanilla Cupcake Day. I thought, "Great. I'll make those cupcakes again that I made for Alfred Hitchcock's birthday." I couldn't remember where I got the recipe, though. I checked several websites where I thought it might be. No, not there. I probably would have put a link on my blog about it. Oh, it must be in one of my cookbooks then. So I found a recipe in a cookbook that I figured must be it. It became clear as the thick batter was climbing up the beaters of the electric mixer that this was not the recipe. Oh well. They turned out as cupcakes anyway but I think I liked the recipe from before better, especially for not having to stop and push the batter back down the beaters so often. I looked in another cookbook and ta-da. There was the recipe I used. I recognized it. So the next time I want to make cupcakes from scratch I will remember that the recipe I used for Alfred Hitchcock's birthday was in the Betty Crocker cookbook and not in the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. Or I'll turn to this blog and find this very helpful information right here on this post. 

November 12 was Pizza With the Works Except Anchovies Day. I had great plans. I had taken pizza toppings out of the freezer. Jeremy bought artichoke hearts to go on some pizza. I was going to make different kinds. However... it didn't work out. Nichole ended up making everyone tortilla pizzas. Thank you, Nichole, because Mom was having trouble.

Well, sometimes things don't go exactly as planned. That's life. Moving on. 

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