Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Acting Weirdos

September 8 was National Actors Day. I commented how funny it would be if I acted dramatic in everything I did that day. It turned out I just acted different ways.
Does it ever bother you in movies when the character in the driver's seat spends so much time looking at or talking to the character in the passenger seat when they should be watching the road? It bugs me. So I decided to act like that myself for the holiday... while the van was in park.
I acted like a bird while filling the bird feeder.
 I acted so many ways that day.
Google told us it was Tim Bergling's 32nd birthday. He is also known as Avicii so I danced while doing dishes to a song by Avicii.

I got some other family members in on acting or being dramatic that day. Jeremy sent me some pictures on his birding excursion that day. He asked one of our friends who works at Farmington Bay to be in a picture but that friend took a picture of Jeremy acting like an owl instead.

Nichole obliged when I picked her up from school. "Act dramatic, Nichole."
Of course that holiday fit right in with the next day's holiday, Wonderful Weirdos Day on September 9. Wonderful weirdos. That's us.

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