Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The KAT's Meow... from the past

I found this written on a piece of paper as I was organizing today.  I don't know how long ago it happened.  Based on other things on the paper, it was probably after October 2012 (that doesn't narrow it down much, does it?)-

Mommy:  How are you doing, Jr. Jr.?
Jr. Jr.:  One.
Mommy:  Are you having a good day?
Jr. Jr.:  Two.
Mommy:  Do you like counting?
Jr. Jr.:  I like counting.

Here's another one I found on another piece of paper.  I also don't know how old this is.  Sometime after May 2012-

Mommy:  1 hour and 7 minutes.
Nichole:  Until what?
Mommy:  Until it's time to get ready for bed.
Nichole:  That equals 67 minutes.  I'm good at math.
Jr.:  67 equals 67.  I'm silly at math.

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