Monday, February 24, 2014

National Rationalization Day Post

I said I'd write about how we celebrated National Rationalization Day, February 23, so here we go-

Daddy:  I'm going to give the kids peanut butter pretzels instead of apple slices to wake them up since it's faster and it's already passed 8 o'clock.  I'm rationalizing.

Jr.:  Dad, do you think I should eat breakfast before I get changed because I might spill stuff on my church clothes?
Daddy:  That sounds like a really good rationalization.  Go for it.

Me (thinking):  I'm holding the baby.  I don't have to go help the older kids.  Jeremy will do it.  I'll just sit and read my book.

Me:  I'm rationalizing keeping this list so I can write a blog post.

Daddy:  Look at these kids.  I'm here lying down on the bed, and they're all getting ready for church.
Jr.:  Lucky's the one lying down on the bed.
Daddy:  You're right.  I'm laying more than lying.
Jr. Jr.:  Are you laying eggs?
Everyone:  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Nichole:  Daddy's a chicken.
Daddy:  No, I'm not.  Take it bwok.

Me:  I should have stayed in bed.

Me:  Should I call the kids in?
Daddy:  Yes, please.
Me:  In!  Oh, In!
It's National Rationalization Day.  I'm allowed to be silly.

And here's a picture of a castle Nichole built out of blocks that day.  I've included it just because.

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