Thursday, February 6, 2014

Moon Golf

On February 6, 1971, Alan Shepard hit two golf balls on the moon.  To celebrate the anniversary, I watched a youtube video of a NASA video of it.  I didn't know I could actually watch it.  Thank you, Google.
I showed the kids the video this evening.  This is what I heard when the kids saw the astronauts in their space suits-
Jr.: They look like giant teddy bears.
Daddy: They must be gummi bears with how they're bouncing all over the place.
Jr. Jr.: To the moon!

Then Nichole and Jr. played a couple rounds of "moon golf."  It's based on an idea from the September 2012 issue of FamilyFun Magazine.  "Table golf" is where you draw a golf green and hole with flag on one edge of a piece of paper and a tee on the other.  Then you close your eyes and draw a line from the tee toward where you think the hole is.  Then it's the next player's turn.  The person whose line is farthest from the hole starts at the end of their line and tries to get closer.  You count the number of times you have to draw and whoever has the least amount wins.
For moon golf, we drew a picture of the moon with craters.  One side of the moon had the hole and flag and the other side of the moon had the tee.  We didn't worry about winning or losing.  The kids just had fun.

When they finished, the kids got some drawing time on the paper.  Jr. Jr. was able to join in on that.

We'd never celebrated this one before so it was pretty fun to find a way to celebrate such an anniversary for the first time.

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