Friday, June 1, 2012

Flip a Coin Day 2012

This was a fun day.  June 1st, Flip a Coin Day.  It was also National Doughnut Day.  Did anyone flip a coin to decide whether to eat a doughnut or not?  My husband's cousin suggested it.

I started the day wondering if I'd do much coin flipping.  Every time I thought of flipping a coin to choose something, I realized I already knew what my choice would be.
However, at one point Jr. and Nichole were trying to decide who would go first in Tic-Tac-Toe.  I suggested they flip a coin to decide, in honor of the day.  They really took to that idea and it went from there.  
Notice Nichole is dressed and Jr. is wearing pajamas.  She flipped a coin to decide to get dressed right then.  Jr. flipped a coin to decide to stay in his pajamas.  

They began suggesting they flip a coin every time they wanted to make a choice.  I suggested it a few times to get them to help without complaining.  
There were even a few times when Jr. was going to lose his temper that I suggested we flip a coin to decide if he should throw a tantrum or not.  It came up that he should throw a tantrum.  That got him smiling and he didn't feel upset anymore.

We flipped a coin to decide whether to watch a "Paco video" twice or just once.  We watched it twice.

When Jeremy got home from his first show, I flipped a coin to decide that he would go get us a pizza instead of me trying to figure something out to feed everyone.  I had other things to do.  I'd been running the washer and dryer and the dishwasher all day, and I was going to be using the oven to bake brownies for a neighborhood BBQ.  With appliances like that running, it was hot, and our swamp cooler's not working again.  Sigh.  I'm handling it better this summer since I'm not pregnant like I was two years ago.  But I'll admit it is hard to do a lot of things when the thermostat in the hall says 90+ degrees and you can't turn on the big box fan to get some air circulating because you have a small enough child that doesn't understand about staying away from things like that.  So, Jeremy grabbed a pizza, and some buffalo wings while he was at it.  He didn't have time to flip a coin at the store, so we flipped a coin when he got back to decide whether to eat them before or after the pizza.
Jr. wanted to play Lego Batman on the Wii, which has the character Two-Face in it who makes decisions based on the flip of a coin.  We flipped and decided he couldn't play.  But apparently we didn't flip it just the right way.  So we flipped it again... and again... and again... all in different ways until we got the right answer which was to let him play.  Nichole flipped to decide to play with him.

So, we ended up with a lot of coin flipping today, which was fun.  We even flipped to decide where to turn when walking to the neighborhood BBQ.  Not totally off the track, but there was a point where we could turn or go straight for another block and then turn.  We flipped and went straight.

We didn't do a lot of coin flipping at the BBQ (just to decide if Mom should get the kids homemade root beer or if they should get it themselves), but we sure had fun.

And Jeremy was able to make it for the last bit.  Fun fun.

Nichole and Jr. wore flip flops to the BBQ and had taken them off, so their feet were filthy by the time we got home.  So, I put some water in a blue bucket/tub we have for them to wash their feet in, after flipping a coin to see if they should put their pajamas on before or after washing their feet.
Jr. Jr. didn't want to be left out, even though he wore shoes the whole time, so he got right in there with his diaper and onesie on and even sat down.
We finished the day with the kids in bed, me writing this blog post, and Jeremy watching "The Dark Knight," since it has Two-Face in it.  And I watched some.

This was a fun day to celebrate.  I wouldn't be surprised if the kids asked to flip coins again tomorrow (especially since I let them keep the quarters they were flipping at the end of the day).  And hey, if it gets them to help out with laundry or dishes again, I'm all for it.

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