Thursday, February 23, 2012

National Rationalization Day 2012

I've got a lot to do, but I'm rationalizing sitting at the computer since I'm writing a blog post about today, February 23, National Rationalization Day.
First of all let me say that there are certain things that you should NEVER rationalize doing. EVER. You know what they are.
Then let me say that, like blackberry honey for Winnie the Pooh Day, we had something else we wanted to do so we were trying to find a reason to celebrate. We had ingredients to make pudding "dirt," but we kept being busy on holidays that would work for making it (such as Gummi Worm Day), and then couldn't find any other holidays on the Calendar of Celebration that would work. Finally we decided National Rationalization Day would work, since we could use the excuse that we're finally getting to it. So that's what we did. Yumm.Then I made the kids fend for themselves for dinner. I made dinner last night, and the night before that, and the night before that, and well the night before that I started making dinner and Jeremy finished making it (but I did start it). So, I rationalized that I didn't have to make dinner tonight. I even had FFY (Fend For Yourself) on the menu plan. Hee Hee. I've been planning for this holiday. Nichole made sandwiches for herself and Jr. Jeremy had leftovers before he went to work, and I will feed Jr. Jr. and myself (he can't fend for himself as well). But I haven't gotten to it yet as I'm sitting at the computer writing this blog post (and he's not complaining yet as he had "dirt" just a little while ago).
But like I said, I've got a lot to do (including fixing dinner for Jr. Jr. and myself), so I'll end this blog post and ask: What have you rationalized today?


  1. not working out, because I'm in a lot of pain, even though it likely would have helped, and because my brother and sister-in-law came to visit, which is a better excuse.

  2. I have days like this frequently. :)
