Saturday, April 2, 2011

Reverence Tent

As we were preparing for General Conference, the kids and I found this story from the October 2008 Friend. We decided to use Jr.'s play tent from Grandma and Grandpa as a reverence tent for Nichole and Jr. to use during Conference.

They were so excited about it. I let them put snacks in there and coloring pages and notebooks to "take notes." They started out the first session in there and gradually migrated to other areas of the room.

Jr. has been practicing recognizing the 1st Presidency and Quorum of the 12 Apostles, so he loved seeing the men he knew giving talks.


  1. Good idea.
    I didn't even try with Saturday's session. Maybe We'll give it a go tomorrow. It doesn't help the reverence factor that conference is right during lunch time and then again at dinnertime due to time differences.

  2. That's right. And we're in Utah where the time is just right for us.
