He invited us to use social media as our own personal gratitude journal for seven days and to thank God in daily prayer. Lately I haven't been feeling very grateful even though I know that there is so much for me to be grateful for. I've been thinking too much of the stresses of life and letting it get to me. President Nelson said, "At the end of seven days, see if you feel happier and more at peace." I chose to participate in #GiveThanks and since my posts on Facebook and Instagram will get buried over the next little while, I want to share here what was in my "gratitude journal" for the past week. I'll tell you I also loved seeing what other people had to share. So I'll share Jeremy's posts as well.
Because it comes up, I will also let you know that for a week the Orem Public Library gave ideas for "No-Stress November," tips and ideas for self-care during these crazy times. Here's a quick overview of what they shared. 1. Create Art, 2. Meditate, 3. Laugh, 4. Go on vacation, 5. Write, 6. Exercise
On to my posts about #GiveThanks
November 20 (Instagram)
I am grateful for local libraries. I miss going into the libraries (new baby then pandemic. I'm also grateful for my husband, the designated library goer). I also miss the librarians. We've been able to do online activities with both Provo Library and Orem Public Library recently (and over the past several months) and this week I've been enjoying "No-Stress November." Today I "took a mini vacation." It was very mini, but while baby and I were out running errands, we stopped by the lake for just a moment. Baby slept and I took some time to look at a novel my husband is writing. I'm grateful for engaging books and my husband's writing.
(I later made this comment: Another suggestion from Orem Public Library for No-Stress November is to write.)
November 20 (Facebook)
I'm grateful my children are grateful.
Lucky: I'm grateful for my family.
Nichole: I'm grateful I can still go to school even though there's a pandemic.
Lucky: I'm grateful for Jesus. I'm also grateful for the disciples.
Lucky: I'm grateful for toys.
Lucky: I'm grateful for beds.
Jr.: Good friends.
Jr. Jr.: I'm grateful that we have a loving mother who does so much for this family.
November 20 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I am grateful for the peaceful moments.
November 21 (Instagram)
I'm thankful for this boy right here. We were recently given some canned goods (I'm also thankful for the people who gave those to us). He helped organize the area to put them in (he's got some skills). I'm thankful for his little brother's help with holding boxes and cans. I'm also thankful for the other kids helping with the baby so we could concentrate on the canned goods.
November 21 (Facebook)
I'm thankful for the good day we had today, ending with the kids saying what they were thankful for.
Jr. Jr.: I'm thankful for my family.
Lucky: I'm thankful for blankets.
Jr.: I'm thankful for the opportunity we have at the end of each day to say what we're thankful for.
Nichole: I'm thankful for books.
November 21 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I am grateful for my wife who is incredibly patient and supportive. I am also grateful for my kids...most of the time. ;)
I'm grateful for what my family did for me today. My 10-year old sent me to my room so they could prepare a surprise for me. When I came out, I found they had cleared off the table and made Chex Mix which I love. My son wanted to make Mommy happy and got everyone else involved in it.
Later the kids made dinner.
November 22 (Facebook)
Both of my sisters are grateful for humor today so I wanted to follow suit. I'm grateful for humor.
Jr.: Ha Ha Ha Ha. Laughter.
Nichole: I'm grateful that Jet is stealing Chex Mix from my cup.
Jr. Jr. I'm grateful that Lucky can dance. And boy, can he dance.
Lucky: I'm grateful for pillows.
Nichole: I'm grateful that our awesome mom is going to let us play video games today. Just kidding.
Jr.: That's what I'm grateful for.

Our reaction when Daddy brought home chocolate chips.

Watching a movie and dancing to its music while juggling. I'm a multi-tasker.
Yep. They did get to play video games.
And boy, can he dance.
November 22 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I love the fact that my wife and I have so much in common both in our upbringing and in our interests. It is not hard for us to find things we enjoy doing together. At the same time I appreciate her honesty and that she is not afraid to tell me when her opinion differs from mine. We are growing together and for that I am grateful.
November 23 (Facebook)
I'm thankful I asked the kids what they were thankful for before they fell asleep.
Lucky: I am thankful for paper... so I can write.
Jr. Jr.: I am thankful that I have a wonderful mother that does so much for this family.
Jr.: My wonderful family.
Nichole: I am thankful when we can have Family Home Evening.
November 23 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I am blessed with two great sets of parents. There is the one set that raised me, loved me despite my shenanigans, and now treat me like an adult despite some of my decisions. And there is the set I married into, who trusted me with their daughter, made me feel comfortable in their home, and treat me like an adult despite some of my decisions. I know both sets love me, and not just for the grandchildren.
November 24/25 (Instagram around midnight)
I'm grateful for my walking buddy. Sometimes he's awake and sometimes he sleeps through our outings. The last tip from Orem Public Library for "No-Stress November" is Exercise. So on a particularly stressful day, this little guy and I went out for a walk where I was able to enjoy a nice view of the lake. It felt so good and really helped. I'm also grateful for The Piano Guys because their music helped calm me as I drove to our walking spot.
November 24 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I am grateful for nature. It is one of the great stress relievers in my life. Being an introvert often I find relaxation, comfort, and am reenergized by being at home. In reality I also have five kids so home can also be taxing, chaotic, and draining. When that is the case a few hours out in the woods or by a lake away from people usually does the trick.
November 25 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for the variety of friends I have. I have friends on the far left and on the far right. I have friends who believe in some incredible conspiracies. I have friends who are atheist and those whose lives revolve around God. I have friends where I am the weirdest person they know, if only they knew some of my other friends! I have friend that are close enough they could be family, and some of my family are my closest friends. I have friends I have never met in person and friends I have not seen in years. I have good friends in other countries whom I worry about when things get bad over there and who worry about me in return when America goes crazy. I have many friends who would and have gone out of their way to help our little family and whom I would return the favor to in a heartbeat. I am grateful for all of you my friends!
I'm grateful for our gratitude jar. We started writing down things we were grateful for and putting them in the jar before we were counseled to post our gratitude on social media. Recently I was trying to narrow down what I wanted to post and I realized I didn't have to narrow down my list. I was able to write down each thing I was grateful for on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. At least one of the things we're grateful for is humor.
November 26 (Facebook)
I'm grateful that the point of #GiveThanks is not to spam social media but to let gratitude make a difference in our lives. So I missed a couple of days of posting. During that time I had the opportunity to focus on the second part of "the healing power of gratitude." Prayer. The last couple of days I've had some very sincere and personal prayers where I was able to express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father (even during stressful times). It reaffirmed to me that He is there, He is aware of what is going on with me, and He cares. I believe this counsel was inspired of God and it has led me to have a very full heart and for that I am grateful.
November 26 (Jeremy's Facebook)
I am grateful for animals that taste good.