Sunday, November 26, 2023

Pacific Northwest Trip- Part 2

My parents were happy to help us celebrate while we were visiting. A couple of my brothers visited while we were there, too, and also joined in. Some of the holidays were celebrated observed because of schedules.

July 18 was National Sour Candy Day. We ate sour patch kids and made sour faces.
We went to Shore Acres, did a little birding while there, then went down to the beach so we could introduce a couple of the kids to putting their feet in that cold Oregon ocean. Jet enjoyed it.
Lucky didn't want to take his shoes off to wade in the water so he "tried" to run away from the waves but just got his shoes and socks wet. Sigh.
We got to see some brown pelicans which was fun. We're used to seeing white pelicans in Utah. We've only seen one brown pelican in Utah before.

July 20 was Moon Day. We ate "phases of the moon" cookies and creativity took over. We had half moons, full moons, gibbous moons, moons with the Cheshire Cat smile. We had the man in the moon and the moon on the man. 
Nichole opened up a cookie and started eating it. I pointed out it was a full moon. And as she ate it she replied, "Yep. And now it's waning."
"It's the moon!"
We of course couldn't visit my parents' house without visiting the nature area that is down the road. I got the kids up and made them go out with me. We got our target bird- green heron- as well as plenty of other birds in the area. There were actually 3 or 4 green herons in that area.

My parents' ward had their Pioneer Day picnic while we were there so I got to see some childhood friends and give a hug to the woman who was the Young Women's President when I was a youth. My kids had fun running around and playing (or sitting reading depending on the child) and Jet had fun running around with his uncles.

It was a great trip to Oregon.

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