Saturday, November 25, 2023

Pacific Northwest Trip- part 1

July 16 was Ginger Rogers' Birthday. I wore my bow earrings to celebrate at church where I gave a talk and cried a lot because I was running on little sleep trying to get ready for a trip and getting up early every day to support Jeremy and get him to work early. Jet kept me up late the night before which fact I was able to use in my talk. It's life, real life. And it's okay to come to church with how things are in real life. It's right to be there.

After church, we finished packing and the kids and I drove to Idaho to visit our friends. They were so sweet to feed us and let us stay overnight, even though we got there much later than we wanted to. Part of that was we had an issue with our van on the way so it set us back a while. Traveling on the hottest day of the year. Sigh.

I love our friends. The next day, July 17, was Global Hug Your Kids Day so I tried to get pictures of me hugging my kids before we headed out and at most stops. Some of the pictures didn't turn out so well but I got enough pictures it's fine if I don't put every single one on here.

It was also Yellow Pigs Day so I specifically requested Nichole wear her Cook's Racing Pigs hat she won way back on Yellow Pigs Day in 2014.
Since it was also Ocean Day in Japan, we joked that we were headed toward the Pacific Ocean, as we were headed to Oregon.
My parents met us partway there and my dad took most of the boys while my mom rode with Nichole, Jet, and me. That last leg of the trip went so fast because my mom and I were chatting so much. I also made sure to get pictures of my parents hugging their kid- me. My mom tried to get pictures of her hugging her grandkids as well. Lucky escaped too many times, though, so we had to be sneaky and several days later, we got a picture of her hugging him.

It's been 5 years. It was high time I went back home for a visit. It was also Jet's first time in Oregon.

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