Monday, October 3, 2022

Ladies' Night

It's been a few years since Girls' Night with my group of friends from my old ward/neighborhood. Some I've seen since then for different reasons. Jeremy and Jet recently ran into one with her daughter at Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. But it's been a while since we ladies gathered as a group to spend time together.
Recently one friend invited us to Ladies' Night at her house to decorate potion bottles for Halloween decorations.
That was fun. 
We had fun creating but we also had fun socializing. So much socializing

When I got home, Jr. Jr. was still up (too late), and when he saw what I brought home, he started analyzing my "potions" and going into detail about the differences between potions and elixirs and what different materials would make different things look like. That kid is quite a thinker.

Now let me share two of the things I love about Girls' Night with these friends:
1. It's not always the same group. A few of us have been there from the beginning going to most of the activities. Some friends have moved away too far to just drive back for a night. Some people have joined and have become a permanent part of the "group." I love that whether someone comes for one night or for ten, they are welcome. 
2. It's a safe space. We've had some discussions that have gotten pretty deep. There's been vulnerability shown. Honestly, there's also a lot of light discussions. There is definitely a lot of laughing. But it's not a place to start gossip or continue gossip. We can talk about things without worrying about it being blabbed elsewhere. I love that it can be comfortable with these friends even if I haven't seen them in a few years.


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