Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Catching Up- March

Plenty happened in March.

March 1 was National Pig Day. Great excuse for hot dogs with sauerkraut.
It was also Share a Smile Day. And it sure makes me smile when my kids do service.

The kids and I went to a performance at the Orem Library one day. The Woodwind Family Quintet from BYU was showing different woodwind instruments then they did a performance of "Peter and the Wolf." Ah, music.  I love music.
Afterward, the kids and I sat down to some book reading.  Since Jeremy had work during the performance, we brought along "Daddy" so he wouldn't miss it.


For Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2, we had green eggs and ham.

Jeremy and I got out with a friend and headed up to Alta, not for the skiing, but for the birds. They have bird feeders up there that attract different kids of birds. We got to see some birds there that we hadn't seen other places. It was cold and snowy and worth it.

Jr. registered for junior high classes and got an idea of what it would feel like to play the cello.

March 5 was National Cheese Doodle Day.  Mmmmmm. Queasy puffs.

Nichole delighted us at another orchestra concert at the junior high.

I had a girls' night with some friends from our old ward.  It was so nice to see them. Love those gals.  The person hosting suggested we make treats like an English tea.  I contributed cucumber sandwiches.

Of course I forgot to take a picture of our impossible cheeseburger pie that we had for dinner on Pi Day, March 14, until it was almost gone. Oh, well.

The kids helped make dinner on the Ides of March, March 15. Caesar Salad again.

Since the boys' school was going to be no more (combining with another school to become a brand new school next year), they had a big gala to say goodbye.  They had a red carpet with photo op on the way in, we had refreshments, and we got to watch the kids do dances and see presentations of the school over its last 65 years.

Lucky and I got out for a nice walk on the first day of Spring, which was March 20.

Nichole put a lot of work into a National History Day project about the extinction of the passenger pigeon and we were able to go to see her display.

Great job, Nichole. (Click on the picture to see a bigger version of it)

Some friends came to visit during their Spring Break and the kids put on a show for us.

For Harry Houdini's Birthday on March 24, we ate pigs in a straitjacket.

On International Waffle Day, March 25, we ate... waffles.

March 28 was Something on a Stick Day. I put out different foods and let people go at them with toothpicks. Creativity did come out.

Jr. Jr. competed in his first pinewood derby. He put a lot of work into designing it, and sanding it, after dad helped carve it, and painting it all by himself.  He won an award for best paint job.

Jeremy and I got to go on a date to a local play where we supported some friends in our ward, some of whom got their first acting experience in this.  They did a great job.

We started off our Spring Break with a slumber party in the living room (Mom and Dad slept in our own room).

We went to our ward talent show. We thought about putting a juggling routine together but things were so busy we didn't get around to it. We had fun watching everyone else's acts, though.

March 26 was Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. I chose to celebrate some other actual holidays on that day. So I guess you could call it Celebrate Other Holidays Day.
Here's a list of some of those holidays:
Video Games Day is July 8 and National Video Games Day is September 12.
Walk Around Things Day is April 4.
National Oatmeal Muffin Day is December 19.
National Chocolate Pudding Day is June 26.
National Gumdrop Day is February 15.

YES! I did it! I am done catching up with March. On to April.

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