Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day

I thought we had finished the Valentine's celebrating since we did it a day early. Then I had a dream. In my dream, Lucky missed the beginning of school because he was decorating his Valentine box still (he and Jr. Jr. both finished their boxes and valentines to give to classmates on Saturday). Apparently he was painting it, which is a horrible idea to do the morning before the school day or during the school day but such is the nature of dreams. In my dream, it kept getting later and later so he ended up missing the school day, then somehow Jr. Jr. was there, too, and had missed the whole school day as well. Sigh. When I told those boys about my dream, they assured me they wouldn't miss school. 
When I came back from dropping Nichole off and school, I called the boys to see if they were coming out. Lucky said, "But I need to paint my Valentine box." Hee Hee Hee.

He went with a Doctor Who theme for his box and valentines.
Give me valentines or you will be exterminated. 

Jr. Jr. went with a game theme. 

Insert valentines to play.
They of course brought home plenty of candy to get themselves sugared up.
I planned to do fajitas for dinner then when I was talking with Nichole and Jr. after picking them up from school I mentioned we had pizza dough in the fridge that needed to be used. All of a sudden I figured it out, "Fajita pizza!" Jr. immediately came back with, "Fajitza!" I love that kid and his quick wit.
So we had fajitza and BBQ chicken pizza for those that didn't want to eat it. But the fajitza was yummy. We have had heart-shaped pizza for Valentine's Day in the past but I forgot to make it heart-shaped this time.
Lately anytime anybody goes to store and asks if there's something someone needs, one of the boys will say, "Reese's Pieces Lemon Squeezes." I don't even know where that came from but they do ask for it. Tonight Jeremy and I presented the kids with a bag of Reese's Pieces and chewy Lemonheads and said something like, "We hope your Valentine's Day was full of Reese's Pieces Lemon Squeezes."
So we ended up celebrating Valentine's Day today after all. And it was a beautiful day for it... and evening.

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