Friday, September 15, 2017

HawkWatch Picnic

Remember that short-eared owl survey we did back in April?  Those in charge wanted to thank those that volunteered and invited us to a HawkWatch picnic recently. We brought the whole family.
Tacos again!
We did see some birders we know and I got to meet one of the HawkWatch people that Jeremy talks about all the time.  This is the person to whom Jeremy goes when he has a raptor question (bird raptor, not dinosaur raptor- though we do like dinosaurs) and feels like he can trust his judgment.  Very nice guy.  He's also the one who told us a good place to actually see short-eared owls and we saw a bunch on that trip in April.
Another thank you for putting in volunteer hours and miles- T-shirts.  Jeremy and I each got a T-shirt that says "HawkWatch International Volunteer" on it and has a picture of an American Kestrel in a kestrel box on the back.  The shirt is so comfortable.

We got to wear name tags at the picnic.  Nichole decided to add a little something to her name tag.  She got several compliments on her drawing as well as compliments on her whistling that sounds like bird songs.
The boys were just happy to finally play on the playground when we finally let them.
It was a nice evening.

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