Friday, August 5, 2016

Work and Play Hard

August 5 is Work Like a Dog Day.  Jeremy did.  He had a big sculpture to build before a show this evening. 
The rest of us worked hard, too.  Three of us sorted a bunch of balloons to get ready for more shows coming up.
Earlier than that, Jr. worked on some cub scout stuff, Jr. Jr. worked on coloring some alphabet flashcards, and Lucky colored with crayons.
One thing I didn't work hard on was dinner.  I made two casseroles yesterday.  One I left in the fridge while the other we took along with a big salad and some watermelon on a picnic with friends.
So for dinner tonight we had the other casserole with leftover salad and watermelon.

We had a lot of fun with our friends yesterday evening.  We wanted to beat the heat so we headed out to Payson Canyon/ Nebo Loop, for our picnic.  Much cooler in the mountains. 
After we ate, we drove farther up the canyon to a hiking spot our friends introduced us to- Grotto Trail.  It wasn't a very hard hike and not too long, and we were rewarded at the end with a nice little waterfall that we could walk right up to.

Who knew we'd get to go to three different waterfalls in one week (though the waterfalls at Thanksgiving Point are man-made, I still love them)?

So we've been working hard and playing hard.

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