Wednesday, January 13, 2016

National Rubber Ducky Day 2016

We spent the last several days putting together a video for YouTube celebrating National Rubber Ducky Day on January 13.  In the video, we go on a search for "the elusive rubber ducky," but what do we find?  All sorts of other birds.  I took videos we had taken in the past (Winterish videos since some birds are around only in the Summer) and the other day I took Lucky and Jr. Jr. out to some places to record them, especially Jr. Jr. saying, "Is that a rubber ducky?  Is that a rubber ducky?" and recorded them saying, "No, that's a western scrub-jay" or "that's a Cooper's hawk."  I even got some more videos of birds that day.  I put them together in a cute little video, "Looking for the Elusive Rubber Ducky," and posted it this morning.
Then while Jr. and Nichole were in school, Jeremy and I took the younger boys out bird watching.  We went to a new spot for us and saw some new to us birds (some we'd seen before but hadn't got pictures).  We also saw some old familiar friends such as northern flickers.
Here are some of the friends we saw today.
 Tundra Swans
 Northern Shovelers
 Common Goldeneye
 Pied-billed Grebe
 Ruddy Ducks
 American Coots

Jeremy and I laughed about how it was a good thing I got my video up this morning because we got a lot more videos today and it would have taken longer to add so much.  Even though we did get better videos of American coots today.

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