Saturday, October 19, 2013

Not Too Bad

Saturday.  The one chance for us to sleep in.  And what do the kids do?  Wake up at about the same time I would normally wake them up on weekdays.  Sigh.
On the bright side, they played contentedly together while I rested and read a book in bed.
I came out to find they had laid out blankets on the floor and were all set to watch a movie.  
I let them know they would not be watching a movie because we had to eat breakfast and go to Super Saturday, but they could earn the movie for when we got back if they were well behaved at my activity.
They were mostly well behaved.  The older kids helped one sister paint some boards to be used for a craft and later they helped a friend put together some books for Primary kids to get on their birthdays.
They still got to watch the movie but had to wait a while after we got home because there were not the best moments also.
Like I said, though- mostly well behaved.  They are good kids.

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