Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

We got a white Christmas this year.  Yesterday morning it started snowing and continued all day.  When there was enough snow, but not as heavy as it got later, Nichole and Jr. convinced me to take them out to play with their sled.

It's been a while since we've had snow like this, so it was fun to take advantage of it.
The kids enjoyed me pulling them, pulling each other, and even pulling me.

Today was still white, though I don't know if it snowed any fresh snow.  We spent the whole day inside in our pajamas.
I don't feel like uploading any new pictures so you just get what you get.

Oh, I did do handmade gifts for the kids again this year.  Thankfully what I had planned was simple, because I ended up making them on Christmas Eve.  Bookmarks.  I started making them on the floor of my room where the kids were involved in watching a movie (heh heh heh, I'm tricky) and I finished making them in the bathroom.  Why, you ask?  Because Jeremy needed to help the kids wrap their Christmas gifts to me in my room.  And the living room was freezing.  Why was it freezing?  I'll tell you.  How Jeremy cooks turkey smokes up our apartment for a while (it's supposed to do that) so when he does it, the kids and I hide in our room watching a movie, and Jeremy opens up the windows in the living room, and closes the doors to the rest of the apartment.  I already mentioned the snow, and the cold came right in through the open windows.  The bathroom is the warmest room in our apartment, and that's why I finished the bookmarks in there.

I forgot to get a finished picture of the three, so here's a finished picture of them... after they were wrapped.

Merry Christmas!

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