Tuesday, November 22, 2011

KAT's Kreation

Have I mentioned? Last Summer I was released as a Sunbeam teacher and called as the Primary chorister. And even though I've been in Primary for almost two years now, I had never participated in the Primary Program in our ward. I was called to Primary after the program two years ago.
Last year, I barely missed it because Jr. Jr. came along a few days before. Thank goodness for people who volunteered to step in and help with the Sunbeams during the program in case I couldn't be there.
This year, I did get to be a part of the Primary Program. I was able to help the children share their testimonies through music, and they did sooooo well. I thought the whole program went well.
And since the Primary children did so well and had worked so hard learning those songs, practicing week after week to get ready for the program, I thought it would be a nice break for them to have a week of just fun.
No practicing program songs, just singing fun songs, some that had their own actions and some that we could do special things with.
One of the sisters I visit teach suggested making a turkey with feathers that had songs listed on them, so that's what I did (once again, the benefits of home and visiting teaching).

Scissors + construction paper + paper plates + glue + crayon + sharpie + pencil + tape = Fun for Primary kids.

They did have fun. The orange feathers had fun Primary songs listed on them. If the song had it's own actions (like Popcorn Popping or Once There Was a Snowman), we did those. If they didn't have their own, a child would pick a yellow feather which had instructions on it, such as turn around every time you sing a certain word (you should have seen us on Give Said the Little Stream turning around every time we sang the word "Give." Do you realize how many "Gives" there are close together in that song?)
The feathers were just taped on so I was able to stick them back on between Senior and Junior Primary's sharing times.

I'm glad it turned out like it did.
Now to get to work on Christmas songs.


  1. That sounds so fun! Annie is the Primary Chorister in her ward, too. :)

  2. Our ward did something like that too. Its nice after the Primary Program. The pressure is off and we just sing fun songs or learn new ones.

  3. Primary Chorister was my favorite calling, bar none! I've been released for over a year now (Primary Secretary, not my favorite calling!). We did an activity like that for Thanksgiving, only we disguised our turkey so that he wasn't going to get eaten. He had glasses, a hat, mustache, and even a little neck tie. The kids had a blast with it!
