Monday, October 3, 2011

My Favorite Parts of General Conference

Besides the wonderful speakers and the talks that were answers to prayers, here are some of my favorite parts from this General Conference:

Conference Pancakes

You know how we like doing shaped pancakes to celebrate certain holidays or events. Jeremy made C's, T's, R's, and shields to remind us to Choose The Right.

Singing With the Choir

As soon as the Primary choir and congregation started singing "Praise to the Man," the kids immediately joined in. This is one of the songs the Primary is learning this year.

Visiting Friends

Sunday, we got together with some friends we haven't seen in years. The kids immediately hit it off and after lunch they had a great time playing together while the adults watched the afternoon session.

It was a good Conference weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to put a pancake pen on my Christmas list. :)
