Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Surprise for Daddy!

Yesterday, Nichole kept telling Jeremy she wanted him to make a balloon tree and she wanted to make paper leaves to put on it. Unfortunately, Jeremy had to go to work. So after he went to work, I built a balloon tree and the kids cut out pieces of construction paper as leaves and taped them on the tree.

Don't look too closely at the green of the tree. I'm out of practice weaving and knew the kids wouldn't care one way or the other so it's pretty sloppy. Good enough for our purposes.
Nichole insisted on surprising Daddy when he came home, so we hid the tree in the kids' room. She was still awake when Jeremy came home, so she and I were able to bring it out to surprise him.

1 comment:

  1. This would be a lovely companion activity to the book "The Giving Tree"
