Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13th- Advent Calendar

So, we obviously haven't been doing a very good job with our advent calendar activities. It gets late at night and we say, so what should our activity be, oh I don't know, hmm, well, I guess we did such and such today, can you make a balloon number, etc. etc. etc. And the kids keep asking or mentioning, so it's Christmas now? or it's going to be Christmas in the morning?
And we didn't even get around to doing a number yesterday. Poor kids.
So today as we were sitting down to eat, we discussed that Christmas is coming up. What is Christmas? It's the celebration of the birth of Jesus. The things that we have fun with like presents can remind us of Him. It's okay to have fun. Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to be happy. We talked about how we have been blessed so we should share our blessings, like we did with the bag of canned food. We discussed what we're going to do in the next few days to share with others.
And so the kids can actually know how much time until Christmas (they're little, they need visuals), I quickly printed out something to show how many days we have left and we can cross them off each day.

We want these activities to be good for our family and help bring us closer to the Savior as we get closer to the celebration of His birth. I hope we can be better. At least the next few days should be. We have plans.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw no number 12 I immediately had to read the rest of the blog to see why. The balloons and activities are great but it's a really good idea to have the day chart to let the kids see the perspective of how many more days are left. I think by just putting those last days that are left won't look like such a big bite that would be harder to comprehend had you had a chart with 24 numbers on it. Go Kristin!
