Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sincere Prayer

I love hearing the sincere prayers of little children. Yesterday evening, my husband had to come home early from work because he wasn't feeling too well. I told the kids that he was on his way home, and that when he got home he'd need to lie down on the couch and rest. I asked the kids not to bother him and jump on him when he got home. He'd probably need to sleep so he could feel better. A while later I asked Nichole to bless the food and she did, but she also included these things in the blessing:
Bless Daddy to drive safely. So he can get home and sleep and we will not wake him.
My precious daughter. It was beautiful.
When Jeremy did get home, the kids were on the couch eating some pancakes. I told them that Daddy was home and that he would need to lie down on the couch. They immediately moved to sitting on the floor so Daddy would have access to the couch.
I love my kids.

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