The other night at bedtime, I asked Nichole what she wanted to do the next day. She told me, "Christmas!" The next day, that's what we did. She wanted to play with a snowball. Even in Utah, we didn't get snow in July this year, so I crumpled up a piece of white paper and the kids had a blast throwing it around. We tossed it to each other and at each other.
We have a Santa puppet that was made for a puppeting class Jeremy and Paco took years ago. The kids love it, so we got him out and he talked to us. Apparently, Santa likes to eat paper snowballs. I never knew that before.
I couldn't find our Christmas wrapping paper, so I decided we could make some. The kids have an easel with butcher paper on it. We decorated the paper with markers and wrapped items the kids chose from around the apartment. They enjoyed getting to open the presents. Nichole opened a bottle of ketchup, and Jr. opened the video, The Nightmare Before Christmas, which we watched to close our celebration.
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