Thursday, April 1, 2021

Untitled post

This morning, Jr. let me know that he woke up to a spider crawling on him. Ew. I asked him if it was a big one or a little one. He told me it was a big one. Yuck. I told him I can relate to spiders crawling on me. Then he told me, "April Fool's!" Ho Ho. He got me on that one.

For after school snack, I made "muffins" for the kids. Ha Ha. Joke's on me. They were more like drop biscuits than muffins. Oh well. Nichole watched as I put a couple chocolate chips on the top of each muffin before putting them in the oven. "Oh, chocolate chip muffins. Yumm." Then she kept expressing how they smelled so good and she and Jr. were anxious to have them. But I made them wait until the younger boys got home from school so they could all eat them together. Heh Heh Heh. Joke's on them. They were cheddar and dill muffins (with chocolate chips on top). Ha Ha Ha. Joke's on me again. The kids didn't have a reaction. Finally Lucky asked what kind of muffins they were and people expressed their thoughts about them but in the moment, nobody said anything. Sigh.

I also told the kids, "Joke's on you. Mom's not making dinner. Fend for yourself. You can have colored flavored sugar water, though." Nichole got the pitcher out of the fridge and tried to pour herself some then stopped and said, "Ha Ha," sarcastically. Ha Ha, indeed. I couldn't believe I got her. She said it wasn't colored flavored sugar water. I assured her it was colored flavored sugar water, just gelatinous colored flavored sugar water. The kids enjoyed eating it with a spoon. I've been doing this jello/koolaid thing for so many years, I'm amazed that I actually do surprise the kids.

Jr. Jr. came home with a word search for his parents to do. None of the words listed were actually in among the letters. Ha Ha Ha. He didn't get me, though. I suspected it. He said his teacher did it to them at school.

Later in the evening, we told jokes and listened to jokes. Family joke night. Woohoo.

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