Saturday, January 2, 2021

Science Fiction Day 2021

It's January 2. That means it's Science Fiction Day. The first one of 2021. Or... the only one of 2021?
Anyway, after our day of Jeremy and Nichole going birding, 
the boys and I dancing to ABBA music while we were supposed to be cleaning (we did some) and going for a walk/bike/scooter/stroller ride to try out Jr. and Jr. Jr.'s new helmets (and because the weather was decent today), 

we ate nachos again and then watched the movie, Artemis Fowl, since it can be considered science fiction. We also ate cookies in a tin we were given for Christmas.
Here is what Jet has to say about the day:

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P.S. We didn't blog about this yesterday but besides toasting the New Year and nachos, we got to watch Ballet West's The Nutcracker on KSL-TV. 
Nichole and I have fond memories of going to watch the Nutcracker ballet together a couple of years in a row (not Ballet West but another Utah ballet company). We brought her ballet bear with us each time and so Nichole made sure to have that bear while we watched the movie on TV. It was nice to watch it with the family. Some day it would be nice to go to the actual theatre again to watch the ballet live. It's so awesome.

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