Sunday, June 7, 2020

Food and Not Food Celebrating

The beginning of June, the kids made dinner. I wanted to try giving them a chance to make a whole dinner, each child (except Jet) choosing and preparing a main dish or bread or side or dessert. I want them to do this on a regular basis then they can rotate responsibilities. The day we had planned didn't work out and one of the things planned didn't work out so that child was willing to do a last minute change. Mom stepped in and helped out a little because of the changes. Eventually, though, we'll get it right. Those four kids have all been learning about cooking lately so they can help each other and Mom can take a break. This was a trial run.
Nichole prepared Polish sausages split and topped with mashed potatoes and cheese with a few red pepper flakes sprinkled on. Jr. made garlicky bubble bread. Jr. Jr. gave us pineapple rings. Lucky gave us microwave s'mores. Additions to the meal were green bell pepper slices, corn, and apple slices. Good job, kids. It was yummy.
Then we had a day when Mom refused to make dinner because the kids wouldn't do their chores and the next day was June 3, Repeat Day. I refused to make dinner again... you know, to celebrate the holiday. I also decided to use some of the kids' excuses for not doing things and repeat what they often say to me when they walk into the kitchen and I'm obviously in the middle of making dinner. "I'm hungry." "Do you know what I can have to eat?" Petty, I know, but my original plan was to make the same dinner on Repeat Day as earlier but since I didn't make dinner...
The next day, the kids did chores. They also helped make dinner and one of the things we ate was Parmesan rice since it has Parmesan cheese in it. June 4 was National Cheese Day after all. Parmesan rice is a family favorite (for some of us). Yumm.

Another note: On Repeat Day, I was thinking about how Lucky was reading a Pete the Cat book. So in my mind, because of the holiday, I was thinking of the joke, "Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?" I could just imagine a little kid (probably a 4 year old) trying to tell the joke with their understanding of things. "Pete the Cat was in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?" It wouldn't have the same result but the idea made me chuckle.

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