Thursday, April 9, 2020

March Celebrations Catchup

March 1 was Share a Smile Day. I texted a picture of Jet smiling to several people.

It was also Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, National Pig Day, and Dadgum That’s Good Day. I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Jr. made pigs in a blanket for dinner and after taking a bite, Jeremy exclaimed, “Dadgum, that’s good!”

March 2 was Dr. Seuss’ Birthday. Green eggs and ham for dinner. I also wanted to try out a new recipe- homemade English muffins. I got the recipe from While in the middle of preparing the dough, Jet wanted to be held so I had to get creative.

We also had several Dr. Seuss books checked out from the library and a few days before, Jeremy built Dr. Seuss characters for the Fillmore Library.

March 3 was National Cold Cuts Day. We ate ham sandwiches. We also had soup and "slow cooker stuffed apples" from Budget Bytes.
March 4 was National Dance the Waltz Day. It was also National Marching Music Day. So I hummed “Stars and Stripes Forever” in 3/4 time and waltzed with Jet to it. 

Nichole and Jr. had another concert. Jeremy went to this one. I was saying how nice Nichole got all her concerts and festivals out of the way before the schools were closed down. Well, most of them. They are supposed to have their last concert in May. I'm guessing that won't happen.

March 6 was Oreo Day and National Frozen Food Day. We made pizza and used pepperoni and mozzarella cheese from the freezer. Then we had Oreos for dessert and sang the Weird Al song, “The White Stuff.”

March 7 was National Cereal Day. I don’t have pictures but we made sure to eat cheese and pickle sandwiches to celebrate.
March 9 was National Meatball Day. I tried Swedish Meatball Pasta.
March 14 was Pi Day. We ate impossible cheeseburger pie and chocolate pudding pie. It was also National Children’s Craft Day so I made sure to take a picture of Nichole working on her latest craft- a latch hook rug.

March 15 was the Ides of March. Jr. made us orange juliuses.

March 16 was National Artichoke Hearts Day. We made chicken alfredo pizza with artichoke hearts and spinach. Yumm.

March 17 was St. Patrick’s Day. Apparently the leprechaun got an early start on mischief the day before. Lucky and Jr. Jr. kept going around to different places in the house and noticed items being out of place and talked about how it must have been the leprechaun who did it. The next morning, they noticed even more points of mischief. The leprechaun got out a bunch of green items- fabric, dishes, seasoning containers, a ball. And turned our milk green again.

For dinner, I tried a couple new recipes from websites I’d been looking at. I made Cheesy Cottage Pie from and Irish Brown Soda Bread from To celebrate his first St. Patrick’s Day, Jet leaked out of every green outfit I put him in.
March 18 was Sloppy Joe Day. Nichole directed me to a sloppy joe recipe in a book we have checked out of the library, The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner. That’s what we used.
March 19 was the first day of Spring. That evening as we were sitting around as a family, Nichole asked when the Equinox was. I told her it was "today." All of a sudden the kids started calling out that the kitchen window was open. Oh no! Nichole quickly went and closed it. Now, if you don't know, that is a reference to the Fablehaven series. There is a part in the first book when it's the Summer Solstice and the kids in the book are told not to open or even look out the window. All the solstices and equinoxes are like that when the boundaries of the magical preserve are weakened and let the things of the night roam free.

March 20 was National Snowman Burning Day. We made snowman sandwiches. We hadn't had those in a long time.
We had different levels of raisin likers and that was reflected in the sandwich decorating.

March 21 was National Corn Dog Day. I made corn bread muffins and put pieces of hot dogs in them before baking them. 
March 21 was also National French Bread Day. I tried out a new recipe (as I do) for making french bread using The Food Nanny's french baguette recipe from
March 22 was National Goof Off Day. 'Nuff said.
March 23 was National Chip and Dip Day. I made bean dip (not 7 layers) and homemade tortilla chips (tortilla chips idea from Budget Bytes). Yumm.

March 24 was International Waffle Day. We had waffles (of course) with a new recipe- chocolate gravy from We also listened to Weird Al's song, "Waffle King."
March 26 was National Spinach Day. We ate salad with spinach in it.
March 27 was the anniversary of the premiere of Singin' in the Rain. Since it was Friday and the kids didn't have school the next morning, you better believe we watched that movie.  

March 28 was Black Forest Cake Day. I tend to save candy for special occasions like this.

Woohoo. March celebrations. See how much you can celebrate even while social distancing?

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