Saturday, December 3, 2022


Wolfenoot was November 23.
I wore my wolf sweatshirt to go out and do a little birding with Jeremy. He only needed a few more species in a certain county for this year's UCB challenge
The challenges are done every other year and there is usually a different challenge each time. This year it's getting at least 22 species (since it's 2022) in as many different counties as you can. A little added challenge was going out on 2-22-22 and seeing 22 species. You may remember the kids and I did that in February.
As Jeremy and I were driving, we stopped on the road at one point for wild turkeys to cross. We got to count them for the challenge (I already got my 22 species in that county. I was there supporting Jeremy).
Later that night as Jeremy was trying to thaw our Thanksgiving turkey enough to get the neck and giblets out, Jet saw it in the sink full of water and kept telling us how the turkey was swimming in the water.
How cute is that?
I slept through dinner but the family saved me some bacon and full moon pancakes because you have to eat meat on Wolfenoot.
The next day I made a lot of food and we ate it for Thanksgiving.

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