Saturday, May 10, 2014

That's Not How I Would Do It

Such a simple reminder.  I talk about loving my children's creativity, but sometimes I forget to let them be creative their own way and think my way would be better.  In some cases, yes, my way is better.  I have more experience and I can teach my children that certain choices will lead to certain consequences so certain choices are better to make than others.  But when Jr. Jr. decides to stick all of his stickers on the cover of his coloring book, I shouldn't stop him.  He's not putting them on the furniture or the walls.  He's putting them somewhere acceptable.
It may not be the way I'd do it.  My way would be to hoard my stickers and only use some of them for special projects which I'd never get around to doing.
So no, my way is not always the best way.
From time to time I need this reminder.  If it's not dangerous or disrespectful (and time and resources allow) it's okay for my children to do things their own way.
Let the creativity flow.

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