I'd rather be asleep but I should catch up on my blog so... let's talk just a little bit about December.
"I had plans." That was what I kept saying through the holidays. I had a list of things to do, some of them traditions, certain things I just wanted to do as a family. Some of those plans went out the window and some were modified.
Let's start with the beginning of December and what we did get to do right before getting sick. Besides celebrating
Eat a Red Apple Day on December 1, we also started our
Countdown to Christmas scripture study. I also wanted to
#LightTheWorld, so I had ideas for that as well. Those didn't all work out but I was able to do some things like send encouraging texts when I was sick. We did a lot of simple things like I gave my daughter a ride to a store (she donated a toy while she was there) and I provided snacks for the kids rehearsing for the elementary school play and my son delivered them.The kids helped each other with homework. We were able to do some of these simple things for
Giving Tuesday.
Now let's go back to our Advent Calendar scriptures with the mint M&Ms.
This year we put together another jar for some friends and Jeremy, Jr., and I shared about our tradition with them while having a good visit. That felt good.
O.K. I do want to go to sleep so I'll catch up some more later.
P.S. December 1 was also Antarctica Day so we gathered up some penguin friends and started reading
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. We didn't get very far in it because of getting sick and not feeling up to reading every night.
I had plans but they didn't all work out. Sigh.