Monday, May 6, 2024

Terry Pratchett's Birthday

April 28 was Terry Pratchett's Birthday. We decided that morning to celebrate with a Terry Pratchett themed dinner so we used what we had on hand to create what we did. #shelfcooking
We also played a Discworld video game from the 90's and our oldest son played "Thud" with his siblings, a homemade game he got for Christmas.
We made a Vimes BACON lettuce tomato sandwich, 
Dibbler's sausage in a bun (with onions and mustard), Captain Carrot sticks, bananas for the librarian at Unseen University (ook), cheese trolley, sludge from the river Ankh to drink, and Dirt.
We also had "the fifth elephant" as a centerpiece.
My favorite thing was the luggage cake we made. I am not a cake decorator but I think it turned out well. 
And of course there were Terry Pratchett books all over to read.
And... dwarf bread to fight with.
I love celebrating with this family.

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