Wednesday, May 29, 2024

My Kids Crack Me Up

When I mentioned to Jr. Jr. that May 16 was Sea Monkey Day, he told me, "Mom, you should make your bread have ears because... monkey sea, monkey dough."
I laughed so much.
He didn't know that I already had on my plans for the day to make monkey bread but since his comment I just had to do it this way:
He was quite pleased when he saw them.
It was also Barbecue Day so we had BBQ chicken pizza.

May 17 was Pizza Party Day so we ate pizza and played video games. 
That day was also Something Other Than a Backpack Day at the high school where students are encouraged to bring something... other than a backpack to put their school supplies for the day. This year students brought such things as laundry baskets, a toy shopping cart, sports bags, and one student carried a small canoe or some sort of boat thing.
Jr. took his guitar case with guitar inside. He was able to fit all his necessary stuff for the school day in the outside pocket. He didn't need much as he was going on a field trip to the Utah Symphony that day so could leave his guitar and case in the band room at the school.

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