Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dinosaur Day 2024

You've heard me mention it before. Dinosaurs are everywhere.
On the kitchen table. In my bed. Where I'm stepping on the floor. In Jet's hands... obviously. In my bag... all the time. They're everywhere.

Sometimes I embrace the dinosaurs. Sometimes I forget about them even when it's Dinosaur Day, May 15, and I remember them almost last minute.
I should have worn my Jurassic Park shirt that day but I didn't think about it. Silly me. I did have other things on my mind. Jr.'s last orchestra concert was that evening for example. Earlier in the day, he had his guitar recital. Jeremy and Nichole went to that since Jet and I had an appointment. Most of us went to Jr.'s orchestra concert. My sister, her husband, and her son went to that concert as well... because I finally told her when his concert was. For the past few years I keep forgetting to tell her when the kids' concerts are even though they live in the same city. Sigh.
After the concert, they had some food and gave out paper plate awards. Jr. got the "Silent Ninja" award. He's quiet but does a good job.
Jet and I made sure to grab a couple of chocolate chip cookies since May 15 was also National Chocolate Chip Day.
After the concert, Jr. came home and immediately started playing his guitar again. I love that our kids are so musical.

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