Wednesday, August 17, 2022

National Relaxation Day 2022

August 15 was National Relaxation Day. I just took the day and did nothing. Just relaxed.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. If only.
Actually the day started at midnight when Jet would not go to sleep and he only wanted Jr. so Jr. took care of him late into the night while I slept because I couldn't stay awake. Apparently he and Jr. both finally fell asleep in the living room, Jr. on the couch, Jet on the floor. Jet eventually ended up back in our room because he decided at 4 something in the morning that he was done with the living room. He did fall asleep again (not surprising based on how late he was up). I didn't know how much I was going to be able to help Jeremy at 5 when he got up to get ready for work. A little bit later, though, he asked me if Nichole was planning to go to her "Senior Sunrise" activity that was on the calendar. I realized my phone didn't ding at me because we had reset things recently on my phone so the notifications weren't on. I'm so glad Jeremy said something because I wasn't looking at my calendar. I got Nichole up so she could quickly get ready and we got her there just a few minutes late. There were still kids arriving after I dropped her off.
I went home and did help Jeremy finish getting ready. Then a little while after he left, I went to get Nichole. 

We got the boys up then we actually did relax while watching a movie. Everyone was still tired after the movie. Some of them fell asleep. I was going to go back to sleep myself then I realized I had to contact the high school about something important. So I left a voicemail then got to work on other things that needed to be done. Never got that extra sleep. Just kept working on things.
I threw some food together for us to eat before I took all the kids to the high school open house to meet the two oldest's teachers. That wore Jet out. He discovered the dance room where there was a big open space and music playing and just went in there and danced and danced and danced. Then when we got to the orchestra room, he had a blast twirling around with his brothers in that big open space. He fell asleep on the short drive home.
The kids played video games while Jr. made dinner. And since Jet had such a late nap, he kept me up most of that night. 
So relaxing?

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