Friday, October 16, 2020

Social Distancing Whilst Birding

Since quite a few of the birders in Utah County Birders are octogenarians and many more are older retired people, there hadn't been field trips and meetings since things closed down back in March. Nobody wants to get those birders sick. So for the monthly meetings/field trips, birders have been encouraged to go out on their own to work on certain challenges and report how those went. So there have been quite a few field trip reports from individuals this year. 

The decision was made to hold a Big Sit this year, though. There were rules to keep the birders safe. They limited the number of people there, mask wearing in the circle was required as well as keeping distance from each other. There was also hand sanitizer there and a lot of people brought their own. Jeremy participated (he was there the whole time) and said people did a good job. He enjoyed his time and got to see a lot of birds and some birders.

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