Sunday, October 25, 2020

Owling with Jr. Jr.

Written by Jeremy on October 17:

My 9 year old son and I went owling up on Alpine Loop last night. It turned out to be a very successful night! We packed up snacks, took a blanket and a powerful flashlight and headed out. The drive up was fun, we talked about all sorts of things on the drive up Provo Canyon. Once we were on the loop we'd pull off on the side where the road allowed and searched the aspens. My son took ownership of the flashlight, I controlled the phone that had the owl calls on it. I would play a series of hoots while he would turn the flashlight to any sight of movement- real or imagined. We continued through the night. Every time we got out of the car he would snuggle into me for warmth. He would whisper questions and I would whisper back pulling him in tight. We did this for hours enjoying every minute. We saw a racoon as it crossed the road. We saw shooting stars and looked at the tail of the milky way. Soon it got too cold for my son and we turned around and headed back. We talked for a while until, snuggled in his blanked, he fell asleep. We didn't see any owls. We heard one respond faintly in the distance, but none came in. My son thought maybe he saw a pair of eyes reflecting from out of a tree but we weren't sure. We may not have seen any birds but the trip itself was very, very successful.

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