Thursday, October 22, 2020

Fall Break- A Walk in the Wind

The first full day of Fall Break. Nichole and Jr. had a project to work on so Jeremy and I took the rest of the kids for a scooter ride in the canyon. We told the boys to bring coats just in case. I didn't take one myself thinking it would be warm enough with just a long sleeve shirt. I didn't realize it was going to be that cold and windy. We got out early enough to beat the sun to the trail we were walking. That made it colder. Poor little boys. They made it, though- the two-mile trek from Vivian Park to Bridal Veil Falls. 
Jeremy dropped us off at Vivian Park then went to switch vehicles at Bridal Veil Falls so we'd have the van as soon as we finished our walk. While we were waiting for him we went to look at the water. There was a pumpkin in the water. What?
When Jeremy got back we headed out.
Jr. Jr.'s fingers were too numb to scooter a lot of the time. He kept asking for snacks to warm him up so I took the scooters a lot of the time. I'm sure glad I brought snacks.
At least at one point we found a bridge in the sun. That warmed us up a little. Jet wasn't too miserable. He managed to fall asleep in the stroller.
When we got to Bridal Veil Falls there were not that many people there so I was able to get a picture of the boys with the falls before we hurried to warm up in the van.
"We made it!"

When we got in the van, Jeremy got a text showing a drawing Nichole did on the computer.
Beautiful job, Nichole.
Later in the day, the kids made mug cake cookies for each other. Jr. Jr. started it when he made one to make Lucky feel better after accidentally knocking him over. Sweet children.

Note: Since we took our walk in the wind, a fire started that went into Provo Canyon and burned a lot of area in there. So please enjoy the pictures on my blog from before the fire.

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