Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fall Break- Antelope Island

I asked in advance what family members wanted to do for Fall Break to see what we could fit in. Besides hiking, owling with Jr. Jr., and the gardens at Thanksgiving Point, the last thing on the list was going to Antelope Island to play in the long grass. So for our last day of Fall Break, we headed to Antelope Island. 
Unfortunately the long grass was all cut down but we played in the woods. 
Actually there were not many people at Garr Ranch so we had the bird area to ourselves for a while. We saw several different species including a Virginia Rail, some hermit thrushes, and plenty of ruby-crowned kinglets to name just a few.
This raven was making all sorts of noises, including some that made us think we were hearing other birds. Corvids are cool. 

At one point Jet and I were walking toward an area Nichole had gone to take pictures when a few kinglets started hopping around on the trees right in front of us. We stood still and watched them then watched some thrushes pop out and hop around as well. I was impressed with how quiet and still Jet was. He was very interested in watching those birds as was I.

We met some other birders who are moving to the area from New York. Jeremy was able to tell them what we'd been seeing. Later we ran into them again while we stopped for lunch with the bison and Jeremy was able to point out some loggerhead shrikes and a coyote.
Quite a few flies got into the van so Jr. kept saying, "Flies are your tickle friends," in a funny voice. Can you tell the kids have been reading the blog lately?
It was a great trip. We had such a good time but it was tiring. Two of the children were asleep by the time we got home. Awwwww.

The cutest part of the trip- when we got off the freeway, Lucky saw the sign for Antelope Dr and asked, "Antelope Doctor? Why do they have an Antelope Doctor?"

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