Sunday, December 22, 2019

The KAT's Meow

Jr.: Can I have a marshmallow?
Dad: What is it with you and marshmallows?
Jr.: I just feel like a marshmallow.
Dad: No. I feel like a marshmallow.
Dad (pushes on his belly): Bloop. Bloop.
Jr. Jr.: No, Dad. Marshmallows don't sound like that. You can hear them scream when you eat them.

Jr. Jr. (singing): I still need to eat the crackers I found in the basement.
Lucky: Daddy's garbage.
Jr. Jr.: Mm-hmm.

Mom: I have a cold. I can't keep talking. The more I talk, the more it is irritated.
Lucky: Jr. Jr., don't talk to Mom. The more she talks the more she gets irritated.

Lucky (about Jet): Aww. He's looking at me... just like the empty child.... Except he doesn't have a gas mask and he's not a child. He's a baby.

Lucky (about Jet): Aww. He has green eyes... like a crocodile. When he grows up he's going to be a crocodile kid then just a crocodile and not a kid.

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