Monday, January 28, 2019

National Kazoo Day

Today is National Kazoo Day.
We had squid pups for dinner.
Those statements are not related, but Lucky wanted to show his person he made out of hot dog and spaghetti.

In another completely unrelated statement, a very wonderful and helpful birder took me out today to find my current (not anymore) nemesis bird.  Thanks, Suzi.  Not only did we find a northern pygmy owl, but we found three.
Trust me. There is an owl in these pictures.  Pygmy owls are just teeny things.  Can you spot it?
Click on the pictures to see them larger.

It was a wonderful morning/afternoon and just what I needed.


  1. P.S. Marshmallows dipped in dark chocolate makes a yummy Family Home Evening treat. I didn't take pictures.
