Thursday, October 17, 2024

We Made It to the End of September

September 29 was Happy Goose Day. Dad made us ham dinner (that would make a goose happy) so I could take a long nap. My hero.

September 30 was National Mud Pack Day. We celebrated it observed the next day with Dirt flavored Oreos. Get it? Mud? Dirt? Not like Bertie Bott's dirt flavored jelly beans. Dessert named Dirt with gummy worm bits on top.
My opinion: They weren't spectacular. They tasted like chocolate Oreos.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Birding Adventure

On Public Lands Day, September 28, we avoided public lands and Jeremy, Lucky, Jet, and I went to Ouray Wildlife Refuge and Pelican Lake to do some birding. It was quite the adventure trying to get 24 species at each of those places for Jeremy and Lucky for this year's UCB birding challenge.
It was also International Rabbit Day and Jeremy and Lucky saw rabbits.
I didn't see rabbits but I saw the prairie dogs they saw. 
We also saw a porcupine like when I was there last.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The KAT's Meow

Jr.: Whenever someone asks, "May I have some condiments?" I'll answer, "I don't know. Mayo have some condiments?" 

Jr.: I don't know if I like Miracle Whip. I mayo may not.

Jr.: If a pregnant woman is making an ice sculpture, goes into labor, then knocks it over, doesn't that mean that her water broke twice? 

Jr.: Apatosaurus, the gentler cousin to Aslaposaurus.

Jr. Jr.: That was an awesome expression. I know because I made it.

Jet: More ice cream?
Me: How do you ask nicely?
Jet: Please.
Jet (as I'm dishing out his ice cream): Ice cream for me?

Jr. Jr.: Nichole, you like sweet tea because you are a sweetie.
Everyone: Awwww.
Jet: Let's watch a movie. And the popcorn can join us! 

Jet had something like a manual he was unfolding and looking at.
Me: What does Jet have?
Jr. Jr.: I don't know.
Jet: A paper.

Jr. Jr. was carrying Jet.
Jr. Jr.: Look up. What do you see? Do you see the sky?
I leaned over because I was a step above.
Me: Look up. What do you see? Do you see Mommy?
Jet: Mommy can fly like a bird. Jr. Jr. can fly like an eagle. Jr. Jr. can bawk like a chicken. Bawk. Bawk.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Musical Cuteness

Jet: The triceratops is a trumpet.
(proceeds to make musical instrument noises)
Jet (holding Spinosaurus): This is a flute.
(more musical instrument noises)
Jet: Can you take a picture of me playing the tuba? 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

More Fall Colors

Jet and I went for a drive up South Fork Road one day to look at the Fall colors up there. Gorgeous.
Happily, we were able to see turkeys on the road and to the side of the road. Love it.
It's fun when you have an excuse to stop and look at the birds because they're crossing the road in front of you.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Some More September Holidays

September 25 was National Daughters Day. I wished a Happy National Daughters Day to my daughter.
September 26 was National Pancake Day. We had pancakes. It was also Johnny Appleseed Day. I gave everyone the option of drinking apple cider. Jet got a hold of the box and flung apple cider packets all over the place.
September 27 was Crush a Can Day. Nichole was busy with midterms so we brought her some taco pizza and a can of pop. She very obligingly took a picture after celebrating Crush a Can Day. That's my girl.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Bluebird of Happiness

September 24 was Bluebird of Happiness Day.
I found it. I found the bluebird of happiness. 
And isn't it so cute?
Total coincidence that he wore so much blue that day. He even had a blue shirt under his jacket.

This little bluebird is happy visiting a local library.
This little bluebird went for a walk around the neighborhood where we heard several scrub jays, which are blue birds.

This bluebird is happy when he's helping.

Another recipe from A Season of Family Meal Plans by Jordan page while doing Shelftember.
Honey Mustard Pork Chops
Used pork chops from the freezer, lettuce (which my bluebird helped with) for salad before it went bad, homemade dough sitting in the fridge to make garlic rolls.