Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Summer Reading!

Monday, June 3, was Repeat Day so we went to the Summer Reading Kickoff event at the library again.
This time, it was actually at the Provo Library. The kids and I got to see a reptile show then do some activities. 
They had an obstacle course with toy horsies. Lucky used a horse and Jet and I just followed him around. They got temporary tattoos out of it, though.
They also had some arts and crafts so the kids did a bit of coloring before we picked up a prize for Jet for a library program he's participating in then headed home.

Earlier that day, the kids and I hiked to the Alpine Poppy Fields. We got some good advice from Utah's Adventure Family who let us know that this year they had little flags along the trail to show which way to go. I'll admit last year we had some trouble finding the right trail. We eventually got there but not on the trail that is suggested. This year, it was so handy to have the flags to follow.

It's always fun to see the "purple" bees in the flowers.
We also got to see some birds.
This is a house wren.
It was a pretty good day.

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