Since I'm so far behind with catching up, I'll share all the things I'm going to post about library Summer Reading programs in one post instead of splitting them up like I do most years.
We again participated in Summer Reading programs at Orem Library and Provo Library.
Jeremy again created balloon sculptures for Orem Public Library's Summer Reading Program, "All Together Now."
Jet had fun saying Hi to the characters Jeremy made.
While he was building, Jeremy and Lucky found some of Jet's toys lying around and decided to have a little fun.
It was Lucky's idea to color coordinate.
I took a few kids to the kickoff event. They had activities and different booths to go to with free stuff and prizes.
Jason Fun did another magic show.
Provo City Library had a kickoff event this year. I took all my kids to that one. The ballroom was full of games and activities to get into the swing of Summer fun.
We did a few Provo Story Trails, although after a while there were some repeats of past years so it kind of fizzled out because we were so busy with other things.
"The Toothpick Warriors" at
Paul Ream Wilderness Area. This is where we traditionally play "Three Bill Goats Gruff," but not this year. The river was sooooo high.
The kids and I went hiking to the
Alpine Poppy Fields again. It was closed last year so we couldn't go but we got to see them again this year. And got to check things off for Summer Reading activities.
We also spent plenty of time doing activities at both libraries.
We did some take home activities from the Orem Library.
The last day of June was busy with activities we were able to count toward Summer Reading.
I took some of the kids to the Museum of Art at BYU to do a library activity there. They had a display of quilted art. Amazing. If you look from far enough away you wouldn't be able to tell the pieces were sewn, but looking up close, you can.
That evening, Nichole and I went to watch
Derek Banks in concert again. It was so nice to hear him playing the piano. He did an encore of Clair de Lune which is one of my favorite pieces. It always makes me think of my
grandma because she used to play it on the piano.
When we got home from the concert, Jeremy and I headed to the tail end of a wedding reception. We had to get the bride and groom their present later because while Nichole and I were at the piano concert, my three year old got a hold of the present we were going to take and ripped the wrapping paper off of it and lost a part that went with it. Sigh. We got it to them eventually, though.
After the reception, Jeremy and I were able to do some service. We had jumper cables so we were able to jump the bride and groom's car. Sigh. We wish them a long and happy marriage (with less car trouble).
O.K. I changed my mind. I'm going to make this into two posts since it's long enough just talking about June Summer Reading activities. Sound good? Sounds good to me. Tell you more later.