Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yellow Pigs Day 2014

Summertime means county fair time.  County fairs mean animals, including pigs.  July 17th is Yellow Pigs Day.  Guess where we went today.  A county fair.
We went to "Cook's Pig Races" where a man raced hogs and dogs.  The dogs and pigs came out of four different colored gates.  After the dogs raced, the pigs raced and the pig from the yellow gate won.  Ha Ha Ha.  Yellow pigs day.  
That was the highlight of those races.  When the yellow pig won.  That and Jr. won a blue ribbon because he chose the yellow pig and Nichole won a hat because she held a winning ticket.  ;)

Jeremy took the older two kids on a bunch of fair rides.  Nichole has been really wanting to try riding on a roller coaster so she got her chance.
The rest of us went to see rabbits and horses (after Jr. Jr. got to ride one of the rides).  When we told the kids originally that we were going to go the fair, Jr. Jr. said he wanted to see bunnies and rabbits.  Cute.
 It was a good family day.

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