Monday, June 23, 2014

Praising My Children

As a parent, do you ever feel like you complain about your children more than you praise them?  I'll admit sometimes I do.  I love my children so much.  They are such blessings in my life.  So I'm going to take a moment to share a little bit about how helpful they were today.
My side was hurting a bit today.  I was trying to empty the dishwasher, but bending over made me hurt a little.  I thought maybe I'll ask the kids to do the silverware and the plates and bowls on the bottom rack.  I took care of the sharp knives and started with some of the items on the top rack.  I thought maybe I could do the top rack before asking the kids to finish up.  Jr. Jr. saw what I was doing and without a word started taking cups off the top rack, stacking them, and handing them to me.  Once the top rack was finished, he started on the silverware and other bottom rack items.  I didn't have to bend over at all.  What a big helper.  I thanked him a lot.
Later I mentioned that I was going to give Lucky some rice cereal and Nichole immediately volunteered to feed him.  That made it possible for me to work on some other things, which I was grateful for.  She did such a good job and I did appreciate it.  I made sure to thank her.
When we got home from shopping, Jr. helped Jr. Jr. get his shoes off and hung them up on the shoe rack for him.  Then he offered to help me off with my shoes.  He is so sweet.  I definitely thanked him.
I have such wonderful children.  They have so many good traits.  They are sweet.  They are helpful.  They do show love in many different ways.  They really are praiseworthy and it's important that I give them the praise that they deserve.  I am grateful for all of them.  Even when things are difficult at times, it's still worth it to have these children as part of my family. 

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